How to use Dove oil to keep your husband or wife/girlfriend/boyfriend


There's a small plastic with powder inside the box, add the powder to the food she or he will eat while say all you want as instructions state . Remember to follow the instructions on the small paper. How to use dove 🕊️ powder for your husband or wife staying together.

. Are you tired of quarrelling, fighting, cheating, your wife or husband always rude, no understanding each other, insulting each other dove 🕊️ powder has the solution.

Take dove 🕊️ powder, while your pot of any food (nshima relish, rice or anything you would like ) still on fire , open the plastic of dove 🕊️ powder, pour on your palm or anywhere you would like . Take powder and hold with two fingers as shown on the picture, your big finger and the followed finger, and say these words (mention the name of your wife or husband, girlfriend or boyfriend I want your heart and my heart to be united, bond, tie together forever, your heart to be my heart and my heart to be your heart then drop one drop of powder, say another thing you want drop another drop of powder, I want you to love me alone, don't cheat me any more, I want happiness and peaceful home, drop powder till all the powder on your finger finished Say all you want. Leave the bottle of oil lid tightly if you want through it away., If you don't want keep it but make sure your wife or husband should not see the bottle or know what you have done. Give your husband or wife the food. The following Day the story will change permanently.

Take note: if you are doing this rituals make sure you are not attending periods

If you want to add oil to relish don't add it to fish, okra or carpenter. (Small dried fish). Do it once and for all, results are instantly if you do the needful.

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