Cumin Injection

 cumin injection


This treatment was discovered by the founder of Njobvu Health Supplements “Edearne Njobvu” with the hope of helping as many as he can. He is a herbal specialist in the Zambia Republic, a country very popular for its culture and fetish. He inherited these skills from his father who is well known in this field.

How did he discover this treatment?

Just like every other day, he and his father were making research, discovering new plants and their functions. With the new discoveries, they made a concoction for a friend who had been suffering from aids for ” years.

The purpose of the concoction was to discover how it could prolong his life span and help him lead a normal life. To their bewilderment, it did more than that. It cured him completely after a period of 2 months.

This miracle solution to get rid of the AIDS virus is a mixture of Jatropha curcas and cassava extracts. Take advantage of nature's gift to fight against this virus once and for all.

Order this treatment to treat HIV/AIDS and start treatment early. Support is offered throughout the period of its intake

We give the greatest satisfaction to our patients and support them throughout their treatment period with good health advice.

Cumin infection against HIV/AIDS: Jatropha curcas and cassava extracts





-Our secret herbs

and Black curcumin, black seed, or Nigella sativa which you can get in a nearby store.

Mechanism of action of Red Jatropha curcas and black cumin

Red Jatropha curcas against HIV AIDS

First, it helps the immune system fight HIV and secondly, it helps the immune system fight opportunistic infections.

Black seeds and HIV aids

The black seed is only one plant ally among the wide range of natural compounds with anti-HIV properties confirmed by experiments. The database contains research on natural substances capable of reducing the toxicity of antiretroviral drugs, as well as those which directly inhibit the replication of HIV.

Jatropha is a genus of flowering plants in the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae.

According to scientists, the effect of Jatropha on HIV was studied and a conclusion was drawn.

Conclusions: HIV isolates potentially resistant to AZT/3TC/d4T were obtained and Jatropha curcas Linn. Leaf extracts showed effective anti-viral and probable entry inhibition activity against potentially drug-resistant HIV, which has not been reported earlier. The study indicates that Jatropha curcas Linn is a good candidate for anti-HIV therapy with further research.

Cassava extracts

Manihot esculenta, commonly called cassava, manioc, yuca, macaxeira, mandioca, aipim, and agbeli, is a woody shrub native to South America of the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae.

The combination of this extract with Jatropha makes this miracle solution for HIV/AIDS more interesting and effective because of its nutritive value.


Nigella Sativa, also known as ‘black seed,’ has been studied for a wide range of health benefits, but not until recently was it discovered to hold promise as a curative agent against potentially lethal viral infections, including Hepatitis C and now HIV/AIDS.


The Injection we offer you for HIV is a remedy made from the leaves, roots, and bark of Jatropha curcas and cassava. It is the “goodbye AIDS” miracle cure used in the treatment of HIV / AIDS. The extracts of each plant are dried and crushed to create a very effective natural remedy for eliminating HIV in the body. Here are some properties of our natural remedy:

Fight against inflammation; Inhibits HIV induced cytopathic effects with low cytotoxicityCalms fever; Treats colic and dysentery

All these properties are due to the various flavonoids and other components obtained from the various ingredients.

From the first month, you will notice a significant relief marked the gradual disappearance of the most important symptoms. This treatment is the best natural solution if you want to lead a normal life and grow old despite your HIV-positive status.

Duration of treatment

To cure HIV, that is to say, to have a zero viral load after test results a few months apart, it will be necessary to follow the treatment rigorously. You will take the treatment over a two-month period for optimal effectiveness.

Eating healthily is important in the treatment of HIV

Eat healthily and care, you can expect to live as long as someone who doesn’t have HIV. Find out how you can look after yourself and stay healthy. Treatment doesn’t have to stop you from living a healthy life in the way that you choose to do.

“It may be a shock, but it’s not the end. Connect to care and begin treatment. You can live a rich, fulfilling, long life. You are not alone in this. Connect with others—either in person or online—who are also positive.


“Know your options. Find a group and/or therapist to work with. See a doctor discuss the best treatment options and talk to them about the miracle drugs that can keep one alive. Now that there are hundreds of thousands of us living (fairly) normal lives. READ. READ. READ.”Create a music playlist of fun, high-energy music for the tough times.”Do not isolate.

Get out of the house and allow the people you love to support you. Look for an HIV support group. Engage with a medical professional.”


HIV, or human immunodeficiency virus, is a type of virus that can cause a condition called AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). HIV infection affects the immune system, which is the body's natural defense against disease. If left untreated, serious illnesses can develop. Normally harmless infections, such as the flu or bronchitis, can get worse, become very difficult to treat, or even lead to death. In addition, the risk of cancer is also increased.

What sets HIV apart from other viruses is that it attacks the immune system by taking control of CD4 T cells. The latter's role is to coordinate the immune response when a virus presents itself.

In summary, HIV is the virus that causes AIDS—the horrifying disease that cruelly eats away at the immune system. As a “retrovirus,” the virus inserts its own genetic material into a cell’s DNA and hijacks the cell’s own protein-making machinery.

Additional information on HIV

HIV is transmitted through body fluids: blood, semen, vaginal fluids, and breast milk. These bodily fluids only transmit HIV if they come into contact with an area that allows it to enter the body, a mucous membrane. Healthy skin is impermeable to HIV. Most often, the virus is acquired during unprotected sexual activity or was acquired in the past through needle exchange among people who inject drugs. The risk of transmission through kissing with the exchange of saliva is zero.

Evolution of infection to AIDS.

1st phase – primary infection. In the weeks following infection, about a third of those affected have symptoms similar to those of mononucleosis: fever, headache, sore throat, rash on the skin, fatigue, muscle pain, etc. These symptoms go away on their own, even without treatment.

2nd phase – asymptomatic infection. The virus can live in the body for many years without causing symptoms. This may make the person feel that they are not sick, but they are likely to transmit HIV. Seroconversion – when a person who is HIV negative (no antibodies in the blood) becomes HIV positive (the presence of antibodies in the blood) – occurs during this phase, 1 to 3 months after infection.

3rd phase AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) or symptomatic infections. If still untreated, the person experiences one or more symptoms of HIV infection (fatigue, diarrhea, swollen glands, weight loss, night sweats, fever, etc.).

Stage 4 – If the number of immune cells (CD4 T lymphocytes) becomes very low and the body can no longer fight off other infections or diseases, the diagnosis of AIDS is made. Symptoms of infection become more noticeable and consistent.

In addition, opportunistic infections can cause serious health problems. Opportunistic infections are infections that are usually not serious but become serious in people with very weak immune defenses. Among the opportunistic diseases, we find for example candidiasis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, herpes infections, and also cancers (in particular lymphomas and Kaposi’s sarcoma)..

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